Fresh-sliced deli turkey offers better value (and more options) than pre-packaged sandwich meat tubs, so it’s worth a trip to the deli counter. If you know how to order, your deli counter visit can be quick & easy. Below are some tips to get you started.

At the deli counter, they can slice it any way you want.

Ask for your deli turkey sliced:

  • Very Thin for delicious sandwich piled high with turkey
  • Thin for a perfect party platter
  • Medium for a sandwich made with just two slices of deli turkey
  • Thick for salads or pizza
  • Super Thick for dicing into casseroles or snacking

When it’s sliced thick or super thick, you can dice it and add it to:

  • Salad
  • Pizza
  • Casserole
  • Soup
  • Snacks

At the deli counter, you can also order as much or little as you want.

One pound of deli turkey makes 8 regular sandwiches (perfect for light lunches all week long) or 4 hearty sandwiches (great for dinner or a picnic).

People often ask how much deli turkey to buy to create a meat tray or mini sandwiches for a party. As a general rule, to serve 25 people you should order 5 lbs. of shaved turkey for a meat tray and 6 lbs. or medium sliced turkey for a mini sandwich tray.

See more Deli How-To’s